Welcome and Introduction

๐Ÿ˜Š Nice to Meet You!

        Born and raised in North China, I am always a Chinese regardless of my US citizenship in this great country. My hometown in China is about 2 hours' drive south to Capital Beijing. My mother was a teacher, and my father worked for the government. Both of my parents joined the same choir in high school. In my early childhood memory, dad played harmonica and whistled traditional tunes while carrying me on his bike, and mom enjoyed watching and singing Beijing opera... I was bold and daring as a young kid, and I would sing and dance to entertain visitors even without being asked!

        When I became an adult, my dreams were to be a pianist and a swimmer. I am still far away from both dreams decades later, but I love listening to music, especially piano. Zumba became my favorite dance and exercise after we moved to Sitka. The exciting part of my life is that I have an Egyptian husband and two wonderful daughters. My husband enjoys classic music, and both of our girls are pretty musical. The older one (12 years old) loves piano, flute, and Jazz. She enjoys performance in public. The younger one (10 years old) also plays piano, but she favors drama more and wants to play Saxophone when going to 5th Grade. Amazingly, they both swim much better than me! Guess my dreams do come true somehow, at least partially through my children๐Ÿ˜‰

        My interests got shifted to Christian music from pop songs when I received Christ in college. I was a member of a Youth Choir for a few years, enjoying singing praises and worship without knowing much about music. The theme song of my life would be Psalm 23, "The Lord Is My Shepherd". I love several versions of it in Mandarin Chinese, Cantonese, and English languages.

        It is exciting to be back to school to pursue my dream career, which is clinical counseling. Music is magical, and Music Therapy is one of my favorite approaches. I am looking forward to learning more from this class and new adventures in music!

Psalm 23 The Lord Is My Shepherd - Jessi Colter

Fur Elise - Beethoven, My Favorite Piano Composition

Please click here if you are interested in Chinese song "The Mark of Grace".

Thank you for visiting my first Blog!


  1. It’s cool to have a Blogpost! Nice bit mojo!

  2. You're off to a great start. I loved learning about your growing up experiences.

    1. Thank you very much, Ms. Kljaich for teaching me how to create my first Blog!

  3. Robin,
    I have another friend from china as well, and he also plays the piano. He has started getting me into playing interments again. Follow your dreams.

    1. Thanks Ryan! Yes, it’s fun to play musical instruments ๐ŸŽธ Please say hi from me to your Chinese friend ๐Ÿ˜Š


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